Feather Leather Co.
Specializing in Custom Chaps and Belts
Handmade of the Highest Quality
New! Now Offering Custom Beaded Belts!
I'm pleased to share that my mom is a jewelry artist and has now taken up beading. She is making all of my beaded belt strips. She can customize colors, designs, add names, feathers, thunderbirds, you name it! She uses a special software program to ensure everything lines up evenly and then makes the beaded belt by hand. Please reach out via email for a quote.
I then finish the belt with leather- of color, tooling, stitching of your choice in your size!


Thank you for visiting. I got my start in leather crafting in 2017 when I wanted to make my own pair of chaps. I learned how to saddle stitch by hand and perfected that first by making a fringy vest and a small purse. I realized that I had so much more to learn before I could make a pair of chaps.
I found an incredible mentor in Haines City, Florida- CJ Brown of Brown's Saddle Shop. He is extremely intelligent, patient, and kind. I started to part-time apprentice on the weekends, learning how to disassemble western saddles, burnish edges of belts, sew on the intimidating machine, and so much more. I then expanded into making purses and small leather goods. I loved that I could express my creativity through fashionable pieces. I always said I would never have the patience to tool. I held out for a good year before I finally asked Brown if he'd show me a thing or two. He said jokingly, "I've been waiting a year for this moment." I took to it immediately and it was very natural for me. I excelled in drawing and painting classes as an adolescent and even considered going to art school. Drawing scrolls and flowers reminded me of my sketching lessons.
Brown always encouraged me to learn from others, not just him. So I did just that- I took a three day course in carving, scroll design, and tooling from Cory Seamann of Coyote Valley Saddle Shop and Academy out in Broadus, Montana. That course catapulted my progress in tooling and it all started to really come together.
My belt designs started to take off and I was doing a lot of custom orders. I enjoyed the custom work as it really gave me a chance to encapsulate the customer's vision. That nagging desire to make a pair of chaps was still in the back of my head. My friend asked me if I'd make him a pair of Arizona Bells and I said, "Well, I don't even know where to start, I've never made a pair before." I took Cory Seamann's intensive chap course. That first pair took what felt like months to complete, as I agonized over every measurement and detail. I think I called my friend at least three times to triple check measurements. Finally, I absolutely nailed the chap design for my friend. They came out perfect and fit him beautifully. When my friend tried them on in front of me, I remember stepping back and was in complete awe. I had an incredible sense of joy and accomplishment, watching a customer try on an actual garment that I made. I loved making something that was three dimensional, wearable, and functional. I was hooked.

The first bag I ever made. I still use it today!

The first chaps I ever made.
I truly enjoy the process of taking down a customer's order, understanding the type of riding they do, their color preferences and then ultimately seeing the look on their face when they try them on for the first time. I still feel that spark of joy myself every time a customer zips into their very own chaps.
I take great pride in my work- in that every piece is handmade. No two pairs of chaps are the same, and I don't ever want to make "production" work that will be sold in a store. I appreciate you coming to my site to check out my leather goods.
My mentors:
CJ Brown of Brown's Saddle Shop
Cory Seamann of Coyote Valley Saddle Shop
When I'm not in my shop working on chaps and belts, I enjoy riding my beloved horses at Lone Wolf Ranch in Waynesboro, GA. Featured is my best boy, Chief.